عناصر مشابهة

تأثير الإبداع التنظيمي على الانتهاك الإيجابي لقواعد المنظمة: دراسة مقارنة

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
المصدر:مجلة التجارة والتمويل
الناشر: جامعة طنطا - كلية التجارة
المؤلف الرئيسي: النجار، حميدة محمد البدوي (مؤلف)
التاريخ الميلادي:2016
الصفحات:230 - 266
رقم MD:848183
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:EcoLink
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:This study aimed to measure the differences between the opinions of administrative workers at the University of Mansoura and Delta University for Science and Technology about the dimensions of organizational creativity and the dimensions of positive violation of the rules of the organization, in addition to measuring the correlation between the dimensions of organizational creativity and the dimensions of the positive violation of the rules of the organization, and measuring the impact of the dimensions of organizational creativity on the dimensions of the positive violation of the rules of the organization. The study identified the dimensions of organizational creativity in four dimensions: the adoption of creative ideas, the time of the adopted innovations, the maintenance and preservation of creativity, support for creativity and creators. It also identified the dimensions of the positive violation of the rules of organization in three dimensions: breaking the rules to increase work efficiency, breaking the rules to help colleagues at work, breaking the rules to serve the client in a better way. A simple random sample was selected from Mansoura University, consisting of 370 administrative workers (the number of respondents to the study is 303), and a simple random sample from Delta University of Science and Technology consisting of 195 administrative workers (the number of respondents to the study is 175). The results of the descriptive analysis revealed that the dimensions of organizational creativity and positive violation of rules of the organization are available to a lower degree than the average at Mansoura University, and to a higher degree than the average at the Delta University of Science and Technology, and there are significant differences between the opinions of administrative workers about the dimensions of organizational creativity and the dimensions of the positive violation of rules of the organization, except for breaking rules to assist colleagues at work at Mansoura and Delta Universities. In addition, there is a significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational creativity and the dimensions of the positive violation of rules of the organization at Mansoura University, except for the dimension of supporting creativity and creators and after breaking the rules to help colleagues at work and breaking the rules to provide better service to the client, and there is a significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational creativity and the dimensions of positive violation of rules of the organization at the Delta University for Science and Technology. The results also found that the most important dimensions of organizational creativity influencing breaking rules to increase work efficiency at Mansoura University is (supporting creativity and creators), while at Delta University they are (supporting creativity and creators, sustaining and maintaining creativity). As for breaking the rules to help colleagues at work, the most important dimensions affecting it at Mansoura University are (sustaining and preserving creativity), while at Delta University it is (supporting creativity and creators, adopting creative ideas, sustaining and maintaining creativity). With regard to breaking the rules to provide a better service to the client, the most important dimensions affecting it at Mansoura University is (adopting creative ideas) while at Delta University it is (supporting creativity and creators, sustaining and maintaining creativity, adopting creative ideas, the time of adopted innovations). This abstract was translated by Dar AlMandumah Inc.

This study aimed at measuring the differences of the views of administrative staff at (Mansoura University and Delta University of Science and Technology) on the dimensions of organizational creativity and the dimensions of positive violation of the rules of the organization, and measuring the correlation between them and the impact of the first mentioned dimensions on the others. The study identified the dimensions of the organizational creativity in four examples: adopting creative ideas; time of innovations adopted; sustaining and maintaining creativity; supporting creativity and creators. Moreover, it determined the dimensions of the positive violation of the organization rules in three examples: breaking the rules to increase the efficiency of work; breaking the rules to help work colleagues; breaking the rules to serve the client in a better way. A simple random sample was selected from Mansoura University, consisted of 370 members of the administrative staff, (303 respondents) and another simple random sample from the Delta University of Science and Technology, consisted of 195 members of the administrative staff, (175 respondents). The results of the descriptive analysis found that the dimensions of organizational creativity and positive violation of the rules of the organization are less than the average at Mansoura University, higher than the average at the Delta University of Science and Technology. In addition, there are significant differences in the opinions of the administrative staff about the dimensions of organizational creativity and the dimensions of the positive violation of the organization rules, except for breaking the rules to help colleagues work at Mansoura and Delta universities. Moreover, there is a significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational creativity and the dimensions of positive violation of the rules of the organization at Mansoura University, except for the dimension of supporting creativity and creators and the two dimensions of breaking the rules to help colleagues work and breaking the rules to provide better service to the client. There is also a significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational creativity and the dimensions of positive violation of the organization rules at the University of Delta for Science and Technology. The results found that the most important dimensions of the organizational creativity affecting breaking the rules to increase the efficiency of work at Mansoura University is the dimension of (supporting creativity and creators), while at the University of Delta they are (supporting creativity and creators, perpetuating and preserving creativity). Concerning breaking the rules to help colleagues work, the most important and influencing dimensions at Mansoura University is (the perpetuation of creativity and maintaining it), while at the University of Delta, they are (supporting creativity and creators, embracing creative ideas, sustaining and maintenance creativity, creations adopted period).This abstract translated by Dar AlMandumah Inc. 2018\n

استهدفت هذه الدراسة قياس الفروق بين آراء العاملين الإداريين بجامعتي (المنصورة والدلتا للعلوم والتكنولوجيا) حول أبعاد الإبداع التنظيمي وأبعاد الانتهاك الإيجابي لقواعد المنظمة، إلى جانب قياس الارتباط بين أبعاد الإبداع التنظيمي وأبعاد الانتهاك الإيجابي لقواعد المنظمة، وقياس تأثير أبعاد الإبداع التنظيمي على أبعاد الانتهاك الإيجابي لقواعد المنظمة. وقد حددت الدراسة أبعاد الإبداع التنظيمي في أربعة أبعاد تتمثل في تبني الأفكار الإبداعية، زمن الإبداعات المتبناة، إدامة الإبداع والمحافظة عليه، دعم الإبداع والمبدعين، كما حددت أبعاد الانتهاك الإيجابي لقواعد المنظمة في ثلاثة أبعاد تتمثل في كسر القواعد لزيادة كفاءة العمل، كسر القواعد لمساعدة الزملاء في العمل، كسر القواعد لخدمة العميل بطريقة أفضلن وتم اختيار عينة عشوائية بسيطة من جامعة المنصورة قوامها 370 مفردة من العاملين الإداريين (عدد المستجيبين للدراسة 303 مفردة)، وعينة عشوائية بسيطة من جامعة الدلتا للعلوم والتكنولوجيا قوامها 195 مفردة من العاملين الإداريين (عدد المستجيبين للدراسة 175 مفردة)، وتوصلت نتائج التحليل الوصفي إلى أن أبعاد الإبداع التنظيمي والانتهاك الإيجابي لقواعد المنظمة متوفرة بدرجة أقل من المتوسط في جامعة المنصورة، وبدرجة أعلى من المتوسط بجامعة الدلتا للعلوم والتكنولوجيا، ووجود فروق معنوية بين آراء العاملين الإداريين حول أبعاد الإبداع التنظيمي وأبعاد الانتهاك الإيجابي لقواعد المنظمة فيما عدا كسر القواعد لمساعدة الزملاء في العمل بجامعتي المنصورة والدلتا، ووجود ارتباط معنوي بين أبعاد الإبداع التنظيمي وأبعاد الانتهاك الإيجابي لقواعد المنظمة في جامعة المنصورة فيما عدا بعد دعم الإبداع والمبدعين وبعدى كسر القواعد لمساعدة الزملاء في العمل وكسر القواعد لتقديم خدمة للعميل بطريقة أفضل، ووجود ارتباط معنوي بين أبعاد الإبداع التنظيمي وأبعاد الانتهاك الإيجابي لقواعد المنظمة في جامعة الدلتا للعلوم والتكنولوجيا، كما توصلت النتائج إلى إن أهم أبعاد الإبداع التنظيمي تأثيراً على كسر القواعد لزيادة كفاءة العمل بجامعة المنصورة هو بعد (دعم الإبداع والمبدعين) أما بجامعة الدلتا هما (دعم الإبداع والمبدعين، إدامة الإبداع والمحافظة عليه)، أما بالنسبة لكسر القواعد لمساعدة الزملاء في العمل فإن أهم الأبعاد تأثيراً فيه في جامعة المنصورة هو (إدامة الإبداع والمحافظة عليه) أما في جامعة الدلتا هي (دعم الإبداع والمبدعين، تبني الأفكار الإبداعية، إدامة الإبداع والمحافظة عليه، تبني الأفكار الإبداعية، زمن الإبداعات المتبناة).