عناصر مشابهة

تيسير المرام لأدعية خير الكلام: كشاف موضوعي هجائي للأدعية الواردة في القرآن الكريم

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:Demands Facilitation For Good Speech Invocations: Alphabetical Subject Index for Invocations in Holy Quran
المصدر:المجلة الدولية لعلوم المكتبات والمعلومات
الناشر: الجمعية المصرية للمكتبات والمعلومات والأرشيف
المؤلف الرئيسي: شاهين، أحمد رجب (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد:مج6, ع2
التاريخ الميلادي:2019
الصفحات:309 - 342
رقم MD:968416
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:HumanIndex
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:يهتم البحث بحصر وتسجيل الأدعية الواردة في القرآن الكريم، وتحديد موضوعاتها وصياغة مداخلها الكشفية، وذلك لإعداد كشاف موضوعي هجائي تنتظم تحت مداخلة المرتبة هجائيا الأدعية التي وردت في القرآن الكريم، بحيث يكون الكشاف في النهاية أداة لتيسير الاستخدام والوصول لهذه الأدعية من ناحية، وتجميعا موضوعيا لها من ناحية أخرى.

This research is concerned with enumeration and recording of the invocations in the Holy Quran, the determination of its topics and the formulation of its indexing entries. This is done in order to prepare an alphabetical subject index for invocations in Holy Quran, So that the index in the end is a tool to facilitate the use and access to these invocations on the hand, and an objective collection on the other hand. the study Problem: The problem of the study is concentrated in two aspects: 1- The difficulty of reaching a specific invocation in certain subject of invocations in the Holy Quran. This is because the works that are concerned with the Quranic invocations order are arranged according to the order of the surah in the Mus-haf. This arrangement is unuseful to achieve easy and fast access to an invocation on a specific subject. 2- The existence of the so-called wrongdoing in invocation, which is to ask Allah what is not appropriate and it is not permissible to ask for it, such as helping to commit sin, looking at the unseen, or invocation on oneself and relatives with destruction and evil ... and others that contradict the wisdom of Allah and his law. Objectives of the study: The researcher aims to achieve the following: 1- Compilation of the invocations mentioned in the Holy Quran, in order to guide the Muslims to it. 2- Facilitating access to the invocations in the Holy Quran according to its topics. 3- The preparation of an alphabetical subject index as a goal in itself, as well as being a means to achieve the two previous goals, in which the invocations will be organized under indexing entries (subject headings) which represent it. Study Approach: The research methods used by the .researcher varied as follows: 1- Bibliographic approach: where preparing the index . 2- content analysis approach: to determine the topics of invocations . 3- The analytical descriptive approach: The researcher used it when giving light on the contents of invocations ' index, which is the fruit of this study and its end purpose. Study findings and recommendations: First: Results; 1- The studies dealing with the Holy Quran in whole or in part at the indexing level are rarely. 2- The number of invocations mentioned in the Holy Quran 171 invocations, was excluded from four invocations received on the tongues of the unbelievers, and remained 167 invocations, accounted for 32 Surat 28% of the total 114 Surat is the total number of Koran. 3- The indirect sources covered 161 invocations with a rate of 96.4% of the total number of invocations in the Holy Quran, and other six invocations were added through direct examination of the Holy Quran itself. 4- Surah Al-Baqarah, AL-Imran, and Al-Araaf took the top of the Holy Quran in the number of invocations. The three exceeded more than one third of the invocations by 56 invocations and 33.5% of the total number of invocations. 5- The number of topics of invocations mentioned in the Quran 95 topics, which indicates the richness and diversity in the invocations of the Holy Quran. 6- The topic of seeking refuge in Allah and its aspects was the first at the number of invocations with 30 prayers, followed by forgiveness, mercy, and seeking paradise in the same order. Second: Recommendations: 1- There is need for more studies that deal with the Quran in indexing level, to show the treasures, and facilitate access to its components. 2- The importance of researchers in the sciences of the Quran efforts to index the Quran, whether in cooperation with researchers in the science of libraries and information, or individually after receiving an intensive course in the indexing, to achieve the combination of specialized scientific qualification and professional qualification in the indexing. 3- Inserting a course indexing within the educational programs in the Faculty of Sciences of the Holy Quran and other faculties of forensic sciences, so that they can index the Quran and the Prophet’s Hadith according to the fundamentals and rules of indexing. 4- Put this study in the hands of researchers in the sciences of the Quran, interpretation, and linguistics, so as to add to it and start from it.