عناصر مشابهة

الإبداع التصويري والتجريدي للكتابات المصرية القديمة ونشر ثقافة الهوية

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:Abstract and Painting Creation of Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy and Spread the Culture of Identity
المصدر:مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الإنسانية
الناشر: الجمعية العربية للحضارة والفنون الإسلامية
المؤلف الرئيسي: الهادي، هدى عبدالرحمن محمد (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: جمال الدين، إيهاب يحيي (م. مشارك), شندي، ياسمين عادل محمد (م. مشارك)
التاريخ الميلادي:2018
التاريخ الهجري:1440
الصفحات:768 - 794
رقم MD:924131
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:HumanIndex
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:There is no doubt that the Ancient Egyptian Art is one of the most important legacies left behind by Ancient Egyptians. As it was the truthful mirror that clearly reflects the civilization of an inveterate nation. It reports the characteristics of the Ancient Egyptian civilization, their religious beliefs and their daily life. And under the shade of stability, that was accomplished by the Ancient Egyptian, and after discovering Agriculture, he began to take his first steps towards Art with its different types. And when the daily activities of the Ancient Egyptian became diverse, he had to embrace a constant mean to express his thoughts and to record his daily events. so, he came up with using expressive paintings inspired by the nature at first(paintings expression) , and with development, a new abstract and vocal signs has appeared to the public(abstract expression). And by which mutual understanding was achieved among the individuals and as a result of which, religious and burial rituals were recorded. And throughout the study of the Egyptian writings across the ages , it’s origins , phases and the diligence of many world scientists to understand such an Astonishing abstract and symbolic language by Greek , Egyptian , some scientists of The Arab world and other research papers of the eighteen century’s scientists , and also the artistical analysis of distinctive exemplars of the Ancient Egyptian pictorial and abstract writings which contains artistic plastic characteristics that was taken advantage of the research to create a group of modern printed textile hangs which contains the Egyptian identity . The study also apprised the researchers in it’s recommendations of the necessity to consider the importance of spreading the Egyptian cultural identity by studying the subtle details of Ancient Egyptian arts and its elements in the wonderfully various applied products that was left by our ancestors in the field of the Ancient Egyptian Art. Research importance :- The importance of research was specified through spreading the culture of identity among society, and that was by revealing about the creation of the ancient Egyptian calligraphy throughout some distinctive examples of its elements. Also, to motivate the researchers of the art and designing fields to deepen their research into the types and forms of ancient Egyptian heritage in general, and specifically the hieroglyphic and abstract writings. Research problem:- How to create the modern printed textile hangings by making use of the aesthetic, painting and abstract plastic values of the ancient Egyptian calligraphy. Which in turn, helps to spread the culture of the identity. Research aim:- Creating modern printed textile hangings inspired by the aesthetic and plastic values of the abstract and hieroglyphic motifs of the ancient Egyptian calligraphy. Research method :- The researcher was assisted by a group of research methods: • Historical method: through following up the evolution of the Ancient Egyptian writings across ages, it’s origins, phases and the diligence of scientists across ages to understand it. • Descriptive analysis method: by the artistical analysis of distinctive figures of the Ancient Egyptian writings formalities. • Experimental method: which was followed through innovative experimental solutions and the experiment of using specialized computer programs . Research results:- The researcher was able to create a group of modern printed textile hanging designs that holds the Egyptian identity by the means of: • The artistic analysis of distinctive examples of abstract and hieroglyphic Ancient Egyptian calligraphy which conceives plastic characteristics. And that is a result of studying the evolution of these writings across ages and the diligence of the scientists in order to understand it. Discussion of results:- The study has shown that the Ancient Egyptian used symbolic drawings inspired by nature (paintings expression) then he used abstract signs (abstract expression). Which was emphasized by the scientists. Therefore, spreading the culture of identity is achievable ; by the creations of the designer in the field of applied art. Which was accomplished by the researcher through creating a group of modern textile hanging designs that includes the contemporary and identity at that time.

لا شك أن الفن المصري القديم هومن أهم ما خلفه لنا المصريون القدماء فقد كان المرآه الصادقة التي تعكس بوضوح حضارة شعب عريق وينقل لنا خصائص الحضارة المصرية القديمة من معتقدات دينية وحياة يومية. في ظل الاستقرار الذي حققه المصري القديم وبعد اكتشاف الزراعة بدأ يخطو خطواته الأولي بثقة نحو الفن بأنواعه المختلفة. وعندما تعددت أنشطة المصري القديم اليومية كان عليه أن يتبني وسيلة ثابته للتعبير عن أفكاره ولتسجيل أحداث حياته اليومية، فلجأ الي استخدام الرموز التصويرية المستوحاة من الطبيعة في بادئ الأمر ) تعبير تصويري ( ومع التطور والحاجة الي التعبير السريع عن الأفكار ظهرت علامات أخري مجرده أو صوتية ) تعبير تجريدي ( وذلك لتحقيق التفاهم بين الأفراد ولتسجيل الشعائر الدينية والجنائزية. ومن خلال دراسة تطور الكتابات المصرية عبر العصور وأصلها ومراحلها وإجتهادات علماء العالم في فهم تلك اللغة التصويرية والمجردة الرابعة ومنهم علماء اليونان والمصريين وعلماء العرب وبحوث علماء القرن الثامن عشر، وكذلك التحليل الفني لنماذج مميزه من الكتابة التصويرية والمجردة المصرية القديمة وما تحمله من مميزات تشكيلية فنية أفادت البحث في ابتكار مجموعة من تصميمات المعلقات النسجية الطباعية المعاصرة تحمل الهوية المصرية. كما نبهت الدراسة في توصياتها بضرورة اهتمام الباحثين بنشر ثقافة الهوية المصرية عن طريق دراسة التفاصيل الدقيقة للفنون المصرية القديمة وعناصرها على مختلف المنتجات التطبيقية الرابعة التي خلفها لنا الأجداد في الفن المصري القديم.