عناصر مشابهة

تضايف الفلسفة والأدب: كتابات الجاحظ أنموذجا

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:Letters of Al Jhahez between the Dilution of Philosophy and Literature
Lettre D’Al Jahiz entre La Dilution de la Philosophie et de la Litterature
المصدر:مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
الناشر: جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة - كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية
المؤلف الرئيسي: أولمو، فريدة (مؤلف)
التاريخ الميلادي:2018
الصفحات:168 - 198
رقم MD:909032
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:EduSearch
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:تتمحور هذه المقالة حول علاقة الفلسفة بالأدب من حيث التكامل والتضايف بينهما جماليا وفنيا ومن حيث التمايز والتمازج بين اللغة والفكر؛ وقد أدرجنا كتابات ودراسات أبا عثمان الجاحظ كنماذج عن هذا التقارب والتضايف لاسيما فيما جاء في كتابه "البخلاء" و"البيان والتبيين" ومعظم ما كتبه عن النساء وخبايا المجتمع منشغلا بالبحث عن "القيم" الغائبة من خلال الفكاهة والأدب الفلسفي الضاحك. حاولنا في هذه المقام العلمي تناول الفلسفة الجمالية وعلم الجمال في الفكر العربي الإسلامي من منظور الفلسفة والأدب معا حيث تتماشى الحكمة العقلية مع اللسانيات العربية والمتعة الذوقية والجمالية.

This article focuses on the relationship between philosophy and literature , In this humble article, we try to address the aesthetic dimension between philosophy and literature and to highlight the interdependence, adaptation and integration, while through the letters and writings of the famous philosopher "Abu Othman Al-Jahiz." The aesthetic and artistic vision is reflected between the sender, the recipient, and the literary philosophical message, which show the nature of aesthetic pleasure and aesthetic taste In Arab-Islamic thought. Al-Jahiz combined mental wisdom with social intelligence, and tried to raise the issues of his time in a cynical comic form.Al-Jawhaz combines mental wisdom with social intelligence. He tried to raise the issues of his time in a comic and cynical format. He addressed women's issues and described their beauty and paper. We were pleased to give him the qualities of a beautiful, moderate woman who is not fat or skinny and considered women to be part of society. "el nissae," Qayyan ", as he set his humility and humor on the scorn, greed and greed. Mayther's attention to the philosophy of Al-Jahiz is the aesthetic discourse, the visual pleasure that depicts things, people and bad habits, and absent values that try to address their issues wisely, with all purposeful ironyAl-Jhahez says: "There is no quadrature in the work without the creature, and while I hate the structure without what has been given and the nature of its nature, and that every square in its back is round, it is rotated by it and the protagonist took part in its share." Nature of perception and self-element in color vision: "And tell me about the color of peacock What is it? I say that he does not have a truth, but they recite as much as the interview? Or say: that there is a specific color and the rest is concealing ",This is one example of his genius and his endless generosity. This is the true integration between the mind and the Arabic language, between the wisdom in dealing with social pests and the desire to read when we read what Al-Jahiz wrote. In the latter we can only prove the integration and integration between philosophy and literature in the Arab-Islamic thought with Al-Jahiz and with "Tawheedi" and with other philosophers of literature, and more importantly, the philosophy of beauty and art in Islamic civilization brought together: Wisdom, fun, taste, beauty and enjoyment, language, reading, poetry, prose. Hence, it appears that philosophy and literature are closely intertwined with the relationship between eternal love. The aesthetic philosophy does not look at partial research in the technical vocabulary, and does not consider its value in terms of quality and inferiority. Rather, it examines the arts in general in terms of creativity, beauty, and judgment, in the sense that it examines the philosophical values that interpret beauty in all arts, Not in a particular art, meaning: do not take an independent art, but look at the literary genre or literary art in general, a holistic view through the standards set, and may be looking at the art of the arts, but to arrive through this research to the provisions of college, To all branches that fall under this art; to reach the provisions of a college applied to all artists N without exception. It is therefore clear to us that research in artists, their environments, their ages, their circumstances, and their characteristics in order to reach the results related to each part of these particulars in particula

Dans cet humble article, nous abordons la dimension esthétique entre la philosophie et la littérature et soulignons l'interdépendance, l'adaptation et l'intégration à travers les lettres et les écrits du célèbre philosophe "Abou Othman Al-Jahiz". Dans cette étude modeste, nous avons abordé les caractéristiques du message esthétique et artistique dans les écrits d'Al-Jahiz à travers la relation entre la sagesse philosophique et l'ironie littéraire، Nous avons abordé les questions les plus importantes de la Oummah islamique, qu'Al-Jahiz traitait avec ironie dans la plupart de ses messages tels que "Femmes", "Quadrature et Rotation".