عناصر مشابهة

تجارب وجهود مواجهة الأزمة السكانية

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:Experiences and Efforts in the Population Crisis
المصدر:السكان : بحوث ودراسات
الناشر: الجهاز المركزي المصري للتعبئة العامة والإحصاء - مركز الأبحاث والدراسات السكانية
المؤلف الرئيسي: ماجد، وفاء أحمد (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: فؤاد، آمال (م. مشارك)
التاريخ الميلادي:2018
الصفحات:60 - 88
رقم MD:871966
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:EcoLink
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:1- The study reviewed the experiences and successful efforts to address the population problem of some countries of nature similar to Egypt in terms of demographic and natural characteristics and the beginning of the development process, Specifically China, Iran, Indonesia, Tunisia, Brazil and India, which confirmed that reducing population growth led to increased capacity to promote sustainable development in Different fields. 2- Among the most prominent efforts of these countries: A. Develop some national policies, strategies and plans to control population growth and reach the fertility rate to replacement rate (replacement of parents with two children, ie, replacement of one generation to another). B. Population policies and programs include awareness of population problems and the importance of reducing childbearing to some negative incentives (sanctions) and the provision of some positive incentives (benefits) aimed at controlling the population and improving their human characteristics. C. Incorporation of population policies and strategies Legal legislation (population law) is binding on society. 3- There are common factors that led to the success of the efforts of these countries to reduce the phenomenon of population growth, such as the promulgation of legislation and the organization of the structures responsible for family planning, the advancement of women in terms of education and work and their payment to the labor market, the rise in the age of marriage, encourage reproduction after the age of twenty, The use of modern and high quality family planning methods, and their availability to all groups, and in all geographical regions, to involve society with the government in the implementation of programs, decentralization in application and taking into account the local conditions of different geographical regions within each country, Include population education curriculum as basic materials, whether at the university or schools. 4- Egypt has adopted many policies and strategies and formulated national plans for the population from the last quarter of the twentieth century and the first quarter of the twenty-first century, especially from 2002 to 2030, in which the competent organization (the Egyptian General Organization for Family Planning – National Council for Population) has been making big efforts , But did not achieve the desired strategic objectives on any of the main axes targeted as a result of the political position fluctuating from the population issue in addition to the continued steady increase in the population, which is due to the nature of the age structure and the type of population and A characterized by increasing the proportion of children and young people. 5- Egypt has adopted legislative efforts to address the population problem, foremost of which is the articles of the Egyptian Constitution of 2014 concerning population, family and childhood, youth and young people, gender equality, human characteristics, population redistribution and Providing the ingredients of sustainable development. 6- Benefit from the experiences of countries in dealing with the population problem in Egypt provided that it does not clash with the cultures and religious values that exist in Egyptian society.