عناصر مشابهة

شواعر العرب في العصرين الجاهلي والإسلامي: دراسة في ضوء النقد الثقافي

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:Arab Poets in the Pre-Islamic and Islamic Eras (During the study of cultural criticism)
الناشر: الناصرية
المؤلف الرئيسي: عباس، هند كامل خضير (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: الدخيلي، حسين علي عبدالحسين (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي:2015
الصفحات:1 - 184
رقم MD:851438
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
قواعد المعلومات:Dissertations
الدرجة العلمية:رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة:جامعة ذي قار
الكلية:كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:Entered Effectiveness of Criticism in the period of postmodernism a new phase in their approach to the product of the writer, where he peered at this stage cultural criticism of Western assets by (Vincent Leach), Criticism culture as a way of culture is placed central to his research, to take such a tool and function for a critique of consumer culture, and the to this criticism effectiveness responsive curriculum cognitive Such as psychological, historical, social and structural disassembly and curriculum reading and interpretation and simologi in standing on the runways speech, the text is from the point of cultural criticism, and one of his interests, the Speech is the home he quit, and most important goals of cultural criticism is to break the barrier of sculpture between literature institutional and non-the official, here we adopted the approach of cultural criticism to our study and tagged (Arabs Poets in pre-Islamic and Islamic eras. study by cultural criticism). As cultural criticism deals with the texts of the marginalized women of literature and popular literature and literature of tales and Tramps, the fact that women's Poet and object women in particular belong to marginalized groups in the pre-Islamic era and continues to now as a society governed by patriarchal system, and as a result the presence of weak attendance record. Women have an active role in the process of poetry. It exercised its literary since that was the Arabs and the presence of literary, were organized in the flirtation and wisdom and praise and Satire in all the arts of poetry, but the efforts rulers masculine culture ruled on all Powered By a woman politely weak as genera feminine, radishes provisions of culture unrelated to the cause of the poetry shaft and its features but only because it comes from a woman, it is here that the literature of women towards formats social, intellectual and cultural existed then, and we tried to be analyzed from the perspective of cultural criticism as by Ideology deals with themes of cultural authority and its relationship with the male.

The nature of the study, it was Required to be preceded by three chapters dealt pave the problematic term cultural criticism and the marginalization of the woman '. The first chapter was titled (cultural references to the role of women poet) came divided on the three sections are:(religious references, and references historical and mythological references). The second chapter was titled (the authority of cultural patterns), and be one of the three sections are: (pattern tribal authority, and the authority of the ruling power format, and the format of domestic authority). With regard to the third chapter was entitled (representations of virility in women's poetry). As it received its subjects in the following order: (women and stallion poetic, and representations of the identity of the women in attendance and absenteeism). The most important have exceeded the study through the study in highlighting the cultural patterns in women's poetry. Because the study found that the purpose of the commiseration of the most important purposes of poetry that revealed cultural patterns of women's poetry, being a battleground for women's freedom of intimation of what touring in reality ideological cultural, in addition to this that most of the terms of reference of women cultural, especially the legendary came across the path of the second and this in turn reveals the theme of conflict between masculinity and femininity. As these references legendary orbiting the myth of the bird (as Dove and Rook bird the phoenix, the legendary bird rooster, etc. ..) to give Equivalent systemic between the bird and women. The study also found reading through cultural samples women's poetry to the representations of identity Virility in her poetry, they mimic the poets in her speech, we find democracy opens her standing on the ruins, and speech Blocker and permission to drink alcohol and flirtation sensuous, and that was systemic aesthetic to confront patterns of authoritarianism.