عناصر مشابهة

جدلية القريب و البعيد في شعر العباس بن الأحنف

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
المصدر:مجلة أبحاث البصرة للعلوم الإنسانية
الناشر: جامعة البصرة - كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية
المؤلف الرئيسي: علي، حنان بندر (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد:مج39, ع2
التاريخ الميلادي:2014
الصفحات:93 - 114
رقم MD:667034
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:HumanIndex
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:جدلية القريب والبعيد هي جدلية ضدية ناتجة عن ائتلاف ثنائية (القريب والبعيد)، مما يسهم في خلق إطار صراعي للعلاقة بين الطرفين، ولهذه الجدلية حضور واضح في شعر العباس بن الأحنف، أسهمت بخلق حركة صراعية وفق جملة من العلاقات التركيبية المتعارضة القوى في تشكلات المكون العاطفي العذري، إذ تمثلت بقرب الذات من الحبيب والبعد عنه ضمن دائرة القرب والبعد المكاني والروحي، مما أطر الشعور العاطفي بمضامين فكرية تستشرف رؤي ومقاربات فلسفية عمقت البنية الفنية والجمالية للنص.

The near-far controversy is an opposite controversy resulting from combining the near - far dichotomy .This results in creating conflicting context of the relation between the two sides. This controversy has a clear existence in the poetry of Al-Abas bin Al-Ahnef. It contributed in finding a conflictive movement according to a group of relations that are complex and of conflictive forces in formations of the pure emotional component. It represents the nearness of the self to the beloved and the farness from him in the circle of the spatial and temporal nearness and farness. This draws a context to the emotional feeling by intellectual contents that elicit visions and philosophical approach deepening the artistic and aesthetic structure of the text . The near-far controversy in the poetry of Al-Abas bin Al-Ahnef revolves around two points : - conflictive controversy that represents an opposite track through conflicting relation between the far and the near . Thus the near sounds Far and the far sounds near according to courses submitted to different effects , the most prominent of them is the supervisory domination which is type of the imposed social values domination in a way that makes the pure poet thinking have a number of conflicting collapses that makes that thinking in danger of two conflicting pictures : one is an obvious picture of silence and abandon , with the self being loaded with farness senses out of silence. And an internal picture loaded with senses of compassion depth out of longing and spiritual nearness. The absolute presence of seems a second factor in making the conflictive controversy between the near and the far . If the beloved is gone spatially, he is present absolutely through clarifications of the unconsciousness . Starting from his loving faith in the eternal belongingness that is rooted in the self for the other . This controversy may result from searching means of self correspondence .Thus, the lover tends , in difficult circumstances of compassionate crisis , to find corresponding relations between the near and the far in a context of mediations and disturbed conflicts that might be true or give distorted visions that increase compassionate conflict. - The other point is the integrated controversy , that is the least present , where the near and the far get equal in a mutual functional unit in which the conflicting farness decreases and the contexts take the match by the principle of integration . This often represents the moment of surrender to the crisis of emotional reality.