عناصر مشابهة

استكشاف جذور العنف الغربي من تاريخ حركة الاستشراق ليوهان فوك

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:Roots of Western Violence from Orientalism's History
المصدر:مجلة دراسات استشراقية
الناشر: العتبة العباسية المقدسة - المركز الاسلامي للدراسات الاستراتيجية
المؤلف الرئيسي: سعد، جهاد (مؤلف)
التاريخ الميلادي:2015
التاريخ الهجري:1436
الصفحات:125 - 154
رقم MD:640949
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:IslamicInfo
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:For centuries, taking advantage of all its military, intellectual, financial, cultural, scientific and propagandistic force, the West has pursued to crumble the Islamic World and fritter the Islam's image. The West wouldn't have ruled, if there had been no Arab despotism, followed by an Ottoman one which sowed the seeds of underdevelopment, dependency and domination. Moreover, despotism wouldn't have lasted without a western support which has fostered the ruling elite, fortressing it with armies and isolating it from the Ummah. In such circumstances, orientalism movement was only a branch of that bitter struggle between the will of hegemony and domination on one hand, and the will of liberation and development on the other. The struggle was a result of suspicious reduction operations practiced by the west against the Islamic nation, emerging the Muslim of the past as an Ottoman one and the Muslim of the present as a terrorist. Yet the west whose violence is more advanced than any other violence practiced in the world was behind a caliph's inauguration for the takfiri terrorism. While Takfiri terrorism was an obvious deviation from Islam's teachings and values, violence in the west is a religion, ideology, policy and strategy. A trend has deep roots and origins in the west's approach toward the relation with the other, especially the Muslim. The Ottoman experience had fulfilled a devastating impact on the relation between the West and the East, somehow similar to the impact of the Turkish support for ISIS (Daesh) today. The religious motive was always present in shaping the form of the relation between the West and the East. It is dearly say-able that the Jewish impact was strengthened after the retrogression of the Church and it witnessed a revivification alongside the Protestantism, Which accompanied the establishment of the United States of America in the new world, where we find a halo was given to the founding fathers and a synthesis of the Jewish-Christian heritage in a secularism that became integrated in this Heritage, aiming to exclude of everything religiously divine or to use it in favor of everything worldly holy. The religious background, after it was vaccinated by Evangelical Zionism with an overdose of Judaization, revealed its face blatantly in Western campaign against the Islam after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which makes us more convinced that it was never absent from the minds of the Decision-makers. The main difference between them and us is that Takfirism is an intruder phenomenon in Islam in comparison with the tolerance that the Muslims historically stack to and in a geographic comparison it represents a reluctant small island in the vague sea of the Islamic tolerance. The Takfiri and racist tendency, ruling in the west for centuries now under different forms, was not able to reach power and become the source of decision making in the Islamic world except for the case of the countries of the Arab Gulf, and especially Saudi Arabia, under the sponsorship and the special care of the British Colonialist. Even the enormous efforts made, under the eyes of the western security state, to publish that the Salafist Takfirism is the "Islam" in Europe and North America, shows with no doubt that the West, which directly contributed to the fertilization the Wahhabi Bacteria through weapons, propaganda, training and preparation against the Ottoman State and then against the Islamic World, chose this backward concept of Islam and installed it as a king on the Arabic Peninsula and made it the source of the religious message. The West opened for the Wahhabism Mosques and religious centers from the South of Europe to its North and in USA and Canada, there is no Mosque or religious center but nourished by the Wahhabi teachings with a suspicious intensity. This intense promotion, which is managed by a Western mind and Saudi money, like in the case of the actions happening in the Gulf Area, can explain to us why a significant number of the Western "Islamic" youth has joined ISIS today. As for these victims, who have mostly culturally limited horizon, this is the right Islam provided by the Islamic centers in their capitals... all of the above is a result of being that monstrous and closed shape of Islam justifies, from one side, the western violence towards the Islamic world and insures from the other side that the Islamic world stays permanently in a state of convulsion, tension and division, halting it from facing its pressing issues and the western campaigns. For that reason, we named it as Wahhabi bacteria, because bacteria's role in the digestion system and nature is to constantly disjoint and decompose the organic materials. Thus the war against wahhabism is similar to a biological war against a microorganism produced by the Arab nomadism's desert and fertilized by the advanced West's labs. However, this bacteria has raided us while we were suffering from a serious lack of immunity.

استعرض البحث استكشاف جذور العنف الغربي من تاريخ حركة الاستشراق ليوهان فوك. وعرض البحث عدة عناصر، منها أولاً: استنبات الاستشراق ففي كتاب تاريخ حركة الاستشراق ليوهان فوك تظهر جذور العنف الغربى بلا تكلف أو عناء، كما يستند الخطاب الإعلامي الغربي على صورة الشرق كما قدمها المستشرقون، ليقدم للمتلقى هناك شرقاً غير هذا الشرق. ثانياً: الكاتب والكتاب: فيوهان أو جوهان فوك المولود عام 1894م لغوى بالدرجة الأولى وقد برز ميله لفقه اللغة في مقاربته لتاريخ حركة الاستشراق، وكان أستاذ للعربية في جامعتى ليبزيج وهالة، أما كتاب تاريخ حركة الاستشراق اشتمل على مقدمة وتمهيد للمؤلف وترقيم للموضوعات لغاية 65 موضوع، ويغلب على الكتاب النتاج الخاص بالمعاجم وفقه اللغة. ثالثاً: ولادة الاستشراق في أحضان التبشير. رابعاً: ريموندوس لولوس(1235أو 1232) التبشير والسيف. خامساً: بدايات الاستعمار أو داعش الإسبانية. وخلص البحث إلى عدة خلاصات منها، إذا اتفقنا أن العنف هو كل محاولة لإكراه أو تطويع أو إقصاء أو إلغاء الآخر بالقوة الفيزيائية أو الرمزية أو المعنوية فالغرب كله عنف، ولهذا العنف جذور في تاريخه العسكرى والدينى والثقافى وفى عنصريته، لاتزال تصلح مرجعاً لتفسير سلوكه العدوانى تجاه العالم عموماً والعرب والمسلمين خصوصاً. كما أن مكانة الاستشراق في صناعة الشرق الملائم للمصالح الغربية قد شهدت تطوراً على الأسس القديمة نفسها، ولاتزال نتاجاتهم الحديثة والقديمة فاعلة في العقل السياسي الغربى بل موظفة في خدمتهم. كُتب هذا المستخلص من قِبل دار المنظومة 2018