عناصر مشابهة

الاغتيالات السياسية في صدر الإسلام : دراسة تاريخية

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
الناشر: تكريت
المؤلف الرئيسي: الجبوري، سمير عزيز عليوي خلف (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: الجبوري، عدي سالم عبدالله حمد (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي:2013
التاريخ الهجري:1434
الصفحات:1 - 235
رقم MD:612531
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
قواعد المعلومات:Dissertations
الدرجة العلمية:رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة:جامعة تكريت
الكلية:كلية التربية
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:There have been many reasons and motives that led me to study the objective of this ( political assassinations in the early era of Islam - an historical study ) in the forefront of willingness to study the Biography of the Prophet and the era of companions venerable God bless them, and the desire to specialize in this era, especially in the political side of them, to get to know the political reality of the State of the Prophet at the beginning of its inception, the first and most important problems faced by in order to establish the foundations of this building great, as well as the spread of this phenomenon (assassinations) in the present day, which was born the idea of choosing this topic, study and the lack of university study especially this subject was this study. To avoid prolongation limit ourselves here to some of assassinations that have taken place in the beginning of Islam as it begins since the birth of the Prophet r (53 S.E / 571 A.D) until the end of caliphate year (41 A.H / 661 A.D) and I'll try to be studied and analyzed as a model for the assassinations that took place at that early stage of Islam. The nature of the search warrant, divided into an introduction and preface and three chapters and a conclusion as follows : Introduction : About Us offered a brief on the subject and apportioned according to the mechanisms of the Academy, and its importance, scope and analysis of sources and references relied upon in writing this letter. The boot has been addressed in it for the assassination and its historical roots before Islam and the most important incidents, tariffs own Ktarifa language and idiomatically, and the point of view of scholars it and the consequent perpetrators of sanctions and punishment, and defined in contemporary thought and when psychologists. The first chapter to talk about assassination attempts Prophet r (53 B.C A.H / 571 A.D - 11 A.H / 632 A.D), as it addressed some of them is not subject to the dates with the attempts that are made to others in the phase of the era of prophecy as it may interfere with each other, for privacy r included this chapter three sections: - the first of which dealt with some attempts to assassinate r in Mecca, since his birthr (53 B.C A.H / 571 A.D) to the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (13 B.C A.H / 609 A.D). Then in the second part, the talk was about the most important attempts suffered by the Messenger of Allah r at the hands of the leaders of Quraish and others in the Mecca of his mission r prophet of this nation (13 S.E / 609 A.D) until his emigration r to Yathrib (Medina) (1 H / 622 A.D).

The third section was divided to two : - demands included the first major attempts suffered by the Messenger of Allah r after the migration (1 A.H / 622 A.D) and even open Mecca (8 A.H / 629 A.D) and the All these attempts were in Medina. The second requirement is subject to the most important attempts suffered by r since the conquest of Mecca (8 A.H / 629 A.D) that he passed away God Almighty influenced either singly years (11 A.H / 632 A.D), also recalls some accounts, was mentioned the most important reasons and the results of these attempts. The second chapter: it ensures the most important attempts suffered by the noble Companions, God bless them because Islam entered an important stage of its history which prove its existence in the absence of the Holy Prophet r and meet the challenges that surroundr is the stage of caliphate (11 A.H / 632 A.D - 41 A.H / 661 A.D), was divided this chapter into three sections were therein, said incidents of murder Caliphs may Allah be pleased with them all and then assassinate Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib, Zubair bin Awam, God bless them, without regard to the dates of the incidents so as to privacy Caliphs and the noble Companions, God bless them wholes they are the best this nation after the apostler. The first section included assassination attempts Caliph Abu Bakr and Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him and the most important reasons that were behind these incidents and the most important outcomes of. The second section has included attempts assassination of Caliph Uthman bin Affan and Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with them and the accompanying bid Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib t These killed outside Ben flywheel and the wounding of Muawiyah, God bless them. The third section included an assassination attempt Sahaabi Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib and Sahaabi Zubair bin Awam God bless them and the accompanying these attempts of the events have had a direct role in the deaths. The third chapter dealt with the most accidents (the assassination) that displays her infidelity leaders of Jews, heathens and which affected men and women along the era of Islam. first section of this chapter the most important attempts suffered by older Jews have been cited two models are Ka'b ibn Ashraf Salam ibn Abi real, as well as to address the main causes and consequences of these processes and the role of companions may Allah be pleased with them in their implementation. The second section also included the most important attempts suffered by the infidels, most notably an attempt Khaled bin Sufyan Hudhali and black Ansi and the resulting attempts of the events had an impact on the lives of Muslims at the time, has been cited these two personalities being the most prominent.

The third section Vtm allocated for women and ensure that the assassination attempt on Jewish tirade girl Marwan, and entangling or cinnamon have been studying their case strictly for the privacy of women in the Islamic religion and the killing of a tribute to implementers by the Holy Prophet r and the most important reasons and the results that we have. In conclusion it has been the talk of the most important findings of this study. The sources were analyzed and references that the paragraphs of the letter and reported including: Book ascribed to Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Shibani, (241 A.H / 855 A.D), the true vapor Bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail Abu Abdullah, ( 256 A.H / 869 A.D), and true Muslim to Muslim, Ben pilgrims Qushayri, (261 A.H / 874 A.D), and Biography Prophet to Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Yasar, (151 A.H / 768 A.D), and the book Maghazi Oakadi camp, Mohamed Ben Omar, (207 A.H / 822 A.D), And Book of sedition and signed sentences for Saif bin Omar al-Asadi al-Tamimi, (200 A.H / 815 A.D) The major classes of Ibn Saad, Mohammed bin Saad bin impervious, (230 A.H / 844 A.D) San Arab perspective son, Mohammed bin Makram Abu al-Fadl, (711 A.H / 1311 A.D), As well as books that dealt with the life of the Caliphs and the noble Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all as a book about men Apostle authored by Khalid Muhammad Khalid, and the book of life companions Kndhula and other sources and references, theses and research, and reconciled to God .