عناصر مشابهة

إتجاهات الزواج ومتوسط السن عند الزواج الأول

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:The Marriage Trends and Mean Age at First Marriage
المصدر:السكان : بحوث ودراسات
الناشر: الجهاز المركزي المصري للتعبئة العامة والإحصاء - مركز الأبحاث والدراسات السكانية
المؤلف الرئيسي: علام، محمد عبدالقادر (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: الجمل، أحمد عبدالمقصود (م. مشارك), كامل، آية فوزي (م. مشارك)
التاريخ الميلادي:2013
الصفحات:161 - 195
رقم MD:606439
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:EcoLink
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:Through the previous review of the trends and patterns of marriage in Egypt, The study concluded the following points: \ 1- Increased crude marriage rate at the end of the study period for the beginning and the fluctuation in the middle of the period between the rise and fall reaching 7 ‰ in 2001 to up to 11.2 ‰ in 2011. \ 2- Decline the crude marriage rate in urban compared to rural during the years of the study and the fluctuation in rural seems more clear, At the beginning of the study period in 2001 crude marriage rate was 7,8 ‰ in rural versus urban 6,0 ‰, and the percentage reached a 11,9 ‰ in rural versus urban 10,2 ‰ in year 2010. \ 3- The age at first marriage rising from 23.7 years in 1986 census to 25 years in 1996 census and reached 25.3 years in the 2006 census. \ 4- Trends of marriage for males and females according to the age groups, decline for males and females in the age group less than 20 years old as well as in the age group less than 25 years, while the percentage of males who married in two categories quarter just 26.6% were female 69, 7%, while in the age group 25 - 29 years old begins Percentage of married couples in height for males and females, and up marriage rates for males to the highest value 40.2%. \ 5- Rise marriage rate among mail who have intermediate education from other qualifications 37.6% of the total cases of marriage according to the level of education, then comes those who read and write 29%, while holding a higher university degree comes in the third place 17.1%, while illiterate declined to fourth place 11.2% of the total cases of marriage. \ 6- Decline in the general trend of female marriage qualifications higher qualifications who have less Academic. \ 7- The highest of marital status of marriages according to place of residence in rural Lower Egypt, was 61.3% fluctuated during the years of the study between high and low. \ 8- Decreasing trend in Upper Egypt where the percentage of marriages was 19.2% in 2001 and reached 18% in 2011, while in rural Upper Egypt, the situation is different where the trend rising at the end of the study period in 2011 reached 42.1% compared to 40 % in 2001. \ 9- The highest marriage rates according to the type of contract represented in the Tasadok marriage, then El_ Ragaa marriage, finally marriage that did not cut it last. \ 10- The highest proportion of new marriage among those have university degree or higher, about 98%, followed by intermediate 95%, while illiterate comes at last about 90%. \ 11- The illiterate have the highest percentage for the Tasadok marriage about 9% and then read and write about 8%, and university degree come at last about 1%. \ 12- The data reflect marital status for husband and wife when the contract \ about 97% of husband who never married was married from women never married, and about 67% of divorced men married of women divorced, and about 15% of widowers married of women widows. \ 13- High proportion of couples who never married when this marriage contract about 92%, about 3% of these couples were married by either wife or two or three, and about 4% of them were divorced, 1% were widows. \ 14- Nearly 43% of the Tasadok marriage were spend (1- 5) years before this documentation, also showed that the highest percentage of the Tasadok marriage were those who spent the duration of cohabitation before documented less than a year for 49%, and about 5% spent a period of cohabitation about 10 years and over before documented this marriage. \ 15- According to the patterns of marriage in 2011 and some social and demographic characteristics and pattern of early marriage and marry non-Egyptians, noted the data to: \ A- The highest marriage rates of females in the age group of (18 - 24), were reached 67.34% in 2011, while the marriage rates of male was about 24% as a result of the application of the law of the child beginning in 2008. \ B- The percentage of unmarried females in age group (25 -34) 26.4% in 2011, while among males in the same age group the percentage reached 61.3% in 2011. \ C- The percentage of males married to foreigners 0.39% in 2011 from the total male married in the same year, but the percentage of women married to foreigners 0.19% in 2011.