عناصر مشابهة

دراسة مستقبلية لسياسة القبول بالتعليم الجامعي الازهري في ضوء بعض التحديات والاتجاهات العالمية المعاصرة

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:A Prospective Study of Admission Policy of Al Azhar Higher Education in the Light of Some Challenges and Current Global Trends
الناشر: القاهرة
المؤلف الرئيسي: رخا، محمد عبدالوهاب إبراهيم (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: حامد، محمد عبدالسلام (مشرف), شرف الدين، نشأت فضل محمود (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي:2007
التاريخ الهجري:1428
الصفحات:1 - 204
رقم MD:551865
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
قواعد المعلومات:Dissertations
الدرجة العلمية:رسالة دكتوراه
الجامعة:جامعة الازهر
الكلية:كلية التربية
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:Al Azhar University is applying the system of open admission which gives all students the opportunity of entry and free education in all its colleges. Al Azhar University accepts Muslim students from many countries around the world in the light of its facilities and resources. The numbers of students have increased annually and gradually due to the open admission policy. In 1990/1991 the number of admitted students was (18261) which increased to (32830) student in 1994/1995 which also increased to (85194) in the university year 2006/2007 with increasement percent 366.5% which refer to the continuous increasement in the numbers of student. But the resources and facilities don't increase with the same percent of the students which make many challenges which faces the university. We may summarize the most important challenges: The high percent of inreasement of students and the lack of resources in some faculties of the university (libraries, facilities, and financial resources) Many studies have recommended with the necessity of implementing a new plan for admission in the university which matches the current resources and facilities and according the needs of the Egyptian Society of the graduates of Al Azhar and the needs of the Arabic and Islamic society. It has become a necessity to make a prospective strategy of Al Azhar University which setup definite goals of the admission policy in the light of the current challenges and current global trends and according to the human and materials facilities. The problems of the study In the light of previous introduction, and due to the importance of the admission policy, we may define the problem of the study in the following question: How we can develop the admission policy of Al Azhar University in the light of some challenges and current global trends? This question may be branched into the following questions: 1- What are the essence of the admission policy and the basis of it? 2- What are the most important trends that are used in admission policy of university in the more advanced countries? 3- What is the reality of the current admission policy in Al Azhar University? 4- What are the local and global challenges that affect on the admission policy? 5- What are the most important scenarios of the admission policy in Al Azhar University in the light of some challenges and current global trends? Aims of the study: The current study aims to: – Defining the essence of the admission policy. – Knowing the most important current global trends in admission policy. – Describing the reality of the current admission policy in Al Azhar University. – Defining the most important local and global challenges that affect the admission policy. – Setting up some proposed scenarios in the light of some challenges and current global trends. The Importance of the Study – The importance of the current study may be viewed in the light of the importance of the role of al Azhar University which considered the oldest Islamic universities. Students graduated from al Azhar University are considered the best students and experts in religious sciences in both Arabic and Islamic world. – The researcher expects that the results of the current study may be helpful for the decision takers in al azhar higher education and the higher council of al azhar as it is the responsible for planning the admission policy in al Azhar University

Methodology: The nature of the study requests the mixing between describing, analyzing and prospective study. The researcher uses the descriptive method beside the scenario which considered one of the most important tools of prospective study. Limits of the study: – The study concerned itself with the admission policy of Egyptian and overseas students in the faculties of Al Azhar University. – The time limit of the projective style until 2020/2021. – Sample: The current study uses a sample of staff (professors, assistant professors and lecturers). The number of the sample is 358 (106 professors, 70 assistant professors and 182 lecturers). The plan of the study: The steps move in the study as follows: The first step: the general framework of the study included the problem of the study, its importance, objectives, methods, limits, a sample study, tools, terminology and previous studies and comment. Second step: admission policies in higher education (concept, the foundations of Admission, admission requirements, admission procedures, Admission management and the factors that influence the choices of college). Third step: current global trends in the field of higher education admission policies (Open Admission, selective Admission, balanced Admission, Admission tests and academic guidance and counseling). Fourth Step: The current situation of Al-Azhar higher education policy Admission and challenges it faces. Fifth Step: The field study. Sixth Step: scenarios proposed for admission policy in Al-Azhar higher education that reached from the study of reality and the global trends of Admission policies and field studies, and was: extension Scenario (open admission policy) and the reformative scenario (Balanced admission policy) and the innovative scenario (selective admission policy) and quantitative scenario. The researcher has offered each scenario through some axes (general features of each scenario, mechanisms and the implementation requirements of each scenario, and expected constraints that face each scenario and ways to overcome them.