عناصر مشابهة

راهنية فكر ابن خلدون ومقاربته النقدية للتاريخ

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
المصدر:باحثون : المجلة المغربية للعلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية
الناشر: عياد أبلال
المؤلف الرئيسي: المسعودي، محمد (مؤلف)
التاريخ الميلادي:2022
الصفحات:307 - 313
رقم MD:1322017
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:HumanIndex
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:-ما الذي يبرر اليوم العودة إلى ابن خلدون ؟ -هل يمكن أن نجد في فكر ابن خلدون ما يساعدنا على فهم حاضرنا؟ -ألم يكن ابن خلدون صاحب نظرة استشرافية جعلته يتجاوز العصر الذي عاشر فيه؟ -ما الذي ميز مقاربة ابن خلدون في مجال التاريخ ؟ -ما هي النقلة الابستمولوجية التي حققها في هذا المضمار؟ تلك هي الأسئلة التي سنحاول قدر الإمكان معالجتها في هذه الورقة.

What justifies today a return to Ibn Khaldun? - Is it possible for us to find in Ibn Khadun's thought that helps us to understand our present? - Why was Ibn Khaldun the owner of an Australian outlook that made him go beyond the era in which he lived? - What distinguished Ibn Khalldun's practice in the field of history? - What is the epistemological driver that has bathed in this area? These are the questions that we will be working to address to the extent possible in this shift. Khaldoun looked at the fluctuations and transformations that were taking place around him, and the proportion of its architecture, as if the tongue of the universe he called lethargic and awkward, so he answered". Ibn Khaldun was distinguished by the farsightedness of your uncle in his analysis of events, as we still live today in our Arab Islamic societies are the struggle of the sects and the role they play in the process of forming ruling authority. The case of Libya, Niger a Lebanon is evidence that we have not yet gone beyond the disgraceful structure that controls the exercise of judgment, as the nervousness is still blamed, and this is what reveals the thought of Ibn Khaldun. And its continuation, then we still need the thought of Ibn Khaldun in the process of our understanding of the power in which we live, Ibn Khaldun's ideas need someone to analyze them, highlight there cause and employ them as a way to understand our conditions. Ibn Khaldun remains present among us, inspired by his ideas to ynderstand the suffering and orientalism of our future. Gave birth to our Arab Islamic civilization, great thinkers, but the thinkers, but the forgetfulness facto affected them, and we entered into a process ruminant has been going on . Is there a possibility to continue to the stage of creativity and creativity ? Or is it the Durr of Aravs and Muslims sadness?