عناصر مشابهة

الجدل ومنهج مدرسة الإمام الصادق عليه السلام

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:The Concept of Controversy in the Curriculum of Imam Sadiq "P." School
المصدر:مجلة الكلية الإسلامية الجامعة
الناشر: الجامعة الإسلامية
المؤلف الرئيسي: الميالى، سامى شهيد مشكور (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: التميمي، ثامر عبدالمهدي حربي (م. مشارك)
التاريخ الميلادي:2021
الصفحات:289 - 316
رقم MD:1145153
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:IslamicInfo
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:الجدل (صناعة علمية يقتدر معها على إقامة الحجة من المقدمات المسلمة على أي مطلوب يراد، وعلى محافظة أي وضع يتفق، على وجه لا تتوجه عليه مناقضة بحسب الإمكان). علم الجدل من العلوم التي عني به العلماء بحثا وتأليفاً، وهو في غاية الأهمية باعتبار له الأسبقية في فن المناظرة مع الخصوم وإثبات الحجج وخصوصا استعمله القرآن الكريم في مناقشاته مع الكفار والمعاندين وهذا ما سوف نجده في كثير من الآيات، وكذلك نجد هذا العلم وطرقه وأثاره في احتجاج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مع قومه سواء الكفار أو غيرهم، وهكذا جرت العادة عند كل من يريد إثبات الحق أو دفع ظلم لابد من طرق يسلكها حتى توصله إلى غايته، وما وجدناه في سيرة الأئمة رضوان الله تعالى عليهم في إثبات أحقيتهم أو لنصرة دين الله تعالى، وتبلورة جل خطاباتهم عليهم السلام في عدة مناسبات مختلفة، وعليه ركز الإمام الصادق عليه السلام على هذا الأمر إذ جعله منهج وارسى له قواعده وعلم بعض طلابه على أساليبه، فلابد من الاطلاع على هذا العلم بشكل عام وفي هذه المدرسة بشكل خاص، وسوف نجد من خلال هذا البحث بأن صياغة الحجة لها أثر كبير في إثبات الحق وترسيخ قواعده.

Definition of the language of the debate: the origin of this article, a torsion intensity, as well as in other Semitic languages, said: Jdlt cord Ojdelh and Ojdelh controversy, which stressed twist and Vtlth read out an arbitrator. And braid: the zipper or Maftool cord from Adam or hair and combine: controversy. Actually came stated in the Qur'an past 4 times and Mdharaa 16 times and is once forbid twice and a source 4 times totals 27 verse, notes First, that article originally wicking ropes and then expanded to the other and then borrowed for wicking speech and spread it even more like the truth and forgot about its origin, this is at the origin of the language in the Koran does not come only in this sense nickname and often vilified him that the meaning of the controversy the work of language: Alldd in the rivalry and the ability it, and debated with any: Khasamh, arguing and controversy. The controversy: an argument for argument; the argument: the debate and adversarial, and controversy: the litigation; so named because its intensity, and therefore there are two kinds of controversy Mahmood: To have a complex evidence from Muslim introductions in the famous at the audience, or from Muslim introductions at that view, this argument is Indeed, the controversy on the face the better, and the controversy reprehensible: to be a complex directory of introductions void corrupt but who says it is trying to promote the listeners Bambassahh and riots, tricks and false, corrupt and roads. The debate has been identified debate or argue in Greek philosophy as: "Tobiqa", which is one of the important five industries that are divided by syllogism, depending understand the industry introductions and principles basis indispensable for those who purports to defend what he deems worthy to defend it for various purposes, whether in the field of faith or not, and the corresponding sections: the Koran is addressed in many verses honorable, as well as Sunnah in a series of conversations, the corresponding thread and controversy sometimes support and other Baltffined It can be said that the debate, according to a look of Islamic law are divided into two categories, namely: First Section: legitimate debate. Section II: corresponding illegal. All of this has been used in the debates and controversies mentioned in the Koran, and it goes School Ahlulbayt School Imam Sadiq peace be upon him on this orthodox approach, which traces the truth as it is and purports to reach certainty through the use of these methods, use of Imam Alsadegalih peace controversy scientific Alert skeptics that they are at the beginning of the road towards a knowledge says: (tell me do you upgraded to all sides and come home to roost?.... Is promoted to the sky that you see or descended to the lower ground Fjelt in diameters?.... what you never know who might Your heart is denied some of what did not comprehend your senses and did not degrade its knowledge... as it came out of denial, to the status of the doubt, I hope to go out to knowledge).