عناصر مشابهة

الحزب الشيوعي الأردني 1951 - 1957: دراسة تاريخية

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:The Jordanian Commuist Party 1951 - 1957: Historizal Study
الناشر: الناصرية
المؤلف الرئيسي: الشويلي، صابرين رشيد ابيه (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: الإسماعيلي، علي حسين نمر (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي:2016
التاريخ الهجري:1437
الصفحات:1 - 223
رقم MD:1037379
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
قواعد المعلومات:Dissertations
الدرجة العلمية:رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة:جامعة ذي قار
الكلية:كلية الاداب
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:It appeared in the history of the Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan a group of political parties as a result of the Kingdom witnessed important political events and also influenced by virtue of its geographical position and the occurrence of a lot of changes in a number of areas in the power of Jordan. Our selection of the subject of the Jordanian Communist party for its great role and involvement in politics came during the study period 1951-1957 that The opposition adopted a policy within the parliament and out side the council within the party attended by his deputies in the various issues that arise. Such as a vote of confidence if the government or through its participation in the discussion of the laws that put, and out side the partiament was able to partecipate in most of the positions and political events during that period. The study consists of an introduction, preface, five chapters conclusion and number of supplements illustrations. In the preface involved summary about the history of political parties since the founding of Trans Jordan 1921 until 1950, and the chapter one involved the study of the founding of the Jordanian communist party (1951-1957) .In this chapter we have made the first starting to show of the of the communist ideas in Jordan and palestine and the founding at party 1951. The chapter two involved the situation in the communist party towards the Jordanian political issues (1951-1954) and its situation towards the paliamentary elections in the years (1951,1954) and also its situation of the government Tawfeq Abo al-Huda tenth, and the first government of Fawzi al-mulki. The chapter three involved the situation in the Jordanian communist party towards the political issue of Jordan (1955-1957). the situation at the political parties laws (1955). the parlimentary elections (1956),the issue of Arabization of the Jordanian army (1956). the situation from Arab solidarity agreement and an end to the Jordanian British Treaty Agreement. The chapter four involved the situation of the Jordanian communist party towards the British and American colonial projects (1951-1957) of such as Baghdad pact project. the chapter five involved the sitiuation of party of national issues (1951-1957) by represent the Jordanian of Iraqi union project (1951), The revolution of Algerian (1954), and Aggression triple on Egypt (1956). The party supported all those issues. The communist party could have the clear situation in number at internal and external issues and participaition of conferences and meetings there four the party to fought political stroggle and it enable to reach for the parliament by two represetive, and the three represetives (1956). And it ensure to good relation with all of the Arab countries and work to about the Jordan's foreign policy orientation towards the support of all the Arab liberation issues.