عناصر مشابهة

L’autisme À Travers «Le Petit Prince Cannibale» De Françoise Lefèvre Et «Louis, Pas À Pas» De Gersende Et Francis Perrin

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:التوحد من خلال روايتي "الأمير الصغير الشرس" للكاتبة فرانسواز لوففر و "لويس خطوة بخطوة" لجرسوند وفرنسيس بيران
المصدر:فيلولوجي: سلسلة في الدراسات الأدبية واللغوية
الناشر: جامعة عين شمس - كلية الألسن
المؤلف الرئيسي: زهران، منال (مؤلف)
التاريخ الميلادي:2016
الصفحات:97 - 138
رقم MD:1032903
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:AraBase
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:Autism is considered as one of behavioural disturbances which are still in the dark. ''The Little Ruthless Prince'' written by Franҫoise Lefèvre and ''Louis Step by Step'' written by the couple Gersende and Francis Perrin are some of the novels which discussed behavioural disturbance. These novels reflect parents' sufferings with their children who suffer from autism. They also uncover how parents overcome this obstacle and how they save their children from this dark tunnel. As for the novel ''The Little Ruthless Prince” which is published in (1990), a mother expresses her concerns and her courage in dealing with her young child who suffers from autism. Further, the mother unveils her courage and determination in overcoming this disability, inspite of all challenges and hardships faced her besides the useless medical sessions. Moreover, after more than 20 years, particularly in (2012), another novel written by the famous author Francis Perrin and his wife has emerged. This novel has uncovered that there is no change in dealing with this kind of behavioural disturbance and there is not any progress in therapy. This novel discussed parents 'suffering with their autistic child whose physicians have failed in diagnosing his case. The boy's case has worsened day by day. Besides, this novel discussed ABA "A kind of psychological treatment'' which is discovered by the parents with the help of a specialized psychiatrist. Since this treatment wasn't common in France, the parents tried to benefit from their national exposure to grow and raise awareness about this treatment and its correct methods of application. Furthermore, parents exerted a lot of efforts to address people in charge to establish special health centers for autistic children. Such centers will prepare them to join school without being discriminated against in order to build their independent personalities. This research will discuss the following points: 1- Parents' suffering with their autistic children 2- Depression and humiliation of parents from psychiatrist. 3- facing challenges and obstacles met by parents in treating their children. 4- Adopting the issue of ‘‘Autism’’ and trying to find radical solutions for those autistic children particularly after discovering ABA behavioural treatment.

L’autisme est l’un des troubles comportementaux qui reste encore engouffré dans les ténèbres de l’ignorance. Parmi les oeuvres qui braquent la lumière sur ce handicap, on a choisi deux : Le Petit Prince cannibale de Françoise Lefèvre et Louis Pas à Pas de Gersende et Francis Perrin. Publié en 1990, Le Petit Prince cannibale a obtenu le prix Goncourt des lycéens. Dans cette oeuvre, Lefèvre explore les années sombres de la période autistique de son fils et retrace l’itinéraire parcouru et le combat vécu pour pouvoir tendre à son fils le fil d’Ariane et le tirer de ce profond fossé où il s’est fourré. Après plus d’une vingtaine d’années, le couple Perrin a publié Louis Pas à Pas en 2012 pour déclencher la guerre contre l’autisme qui reste encore sous les décombres. Après des humiliations, des accusations calomnieuses, Francis Perrin, ce combattant intrépide profite de sa notoriété pour mettre en lumière ce handicap terrible et informer le public sur ce traitement non médicamenteux l’ABA pratiqué partout dans le monde et reste encore méconnu en France. Dans cette optique, notre étude portera sur ces points essentiels: 1- La souffrance endurée par les parents pendant la période autistique. 2- Les humiliations infligées par le corps médical. 3- La lutte contre les défis et les blocages de mentalités. 4- L’engagement pour la cause de l’autisme.