عناصر مشابهة

عبدالله بن لهيعة الغافقي أحد رواد المدرسة التاريخية المصرية : دراسة تحليلية 96 - 174 هـ / 714 - 790 م

تفصيل البيانات البيبلوغرافية
العنوان بلغة أخرى:Abdullah Ibn Luhaiah Alqhafiqi One The Pioneers Of The Egyption Histori School An Anlytical Study 96 - 174 A.H. / 714 - 790 A.D.
المصدر:مجلة الجمعية التاريخية السعودية
الناشر: جامعة الملك سعود - الجمعية التاريخية السعودية
المؤلف الرئيسي: خلف، محمود محمد السيد علي (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد:س14, ع28
التاريخ الميلادي:2014
التاريخ الهجري:1435
الصفحات:7 - 108
رقم MD:956773
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات:HumanIndex
رابط المحتوى:
المستخلص:يهدف هذا البحث إلى التعرف على علم من أعلام المدرسة التاريخية المصرية، كان له دور فاعل ومؤثر في تاريخها الحضاري؛ إنه عبد الله بن لهيعة الغافقي. وقد جاء هذا البحث في أربعة مباحث رئيسة، تحدثت في المبحث الأول عن مولد ابن لهيعة ونشأته، وأشهر شيوخه الذين أخذ عنهم. والمبحث الثاني خصصته للحديث عن ابن لهيعة بين التوثيق والتجريح، وفصلت القول حول الطعون التي وجهت إليه، وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن الحكم للرجل أكثر من الحكم عليه. وفي المبحث الثالث ذكرت تلاميذ ابن لهيعة الذين قدموا من مختلف أنحاء العالم الإسلامي للأخذ عنه، والسماع منه. ولما كان هذا البحث بحثا تاريخيا فقد خصصت المبحث الرابع والأخير للحديث عن ابن لهيعة مؤرخا، فذكرت أشهر المؤرخين الذين أخذوا عنه من أمثال: خليفة بن خياط (المتوفي عام 240 ه/ 789 م)، وابن عبد الحكم (المتوفي عام: 257 ه/ 871 م)، والبلاذري (المتوفي عام 279 ه/ 817 م)، والطبري (المتوفي عام: 310 ه/ 838 م)، والفسوي (المتوفي عام: 347 ه/ 958 م)، والكندي (المتوفي عام: 350 ه/ 961 م) وغيرهم. وختمت هذا المبحث بذكر بوفاة ابن لهيعة في مدينة الفسطاط. وكانت الخاتمة فيها عرض لأهم النتائج التي توصلت إليها من خلال هذا البحث.

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His most honorable messenger. After that. It is known that " Islamic history " has come out of the mantle of Al Hadith science, and that many Muslim historians had begun their scientific careers as Muhadithien " Al Hadith scholars " and then ended up as historians. Many Algafiqians contributed to Islamic thought Movement, some of them were not well-known, others became widely famous. This research is on a great man of the Egyptian historic manege, and he was one of the three by whom this manage was established, they are: Yazid ibn Abi Habib, and Laith bin Saad. Our scholar belongs to one of the Arab tribes that lived in Egypt, and he lived in it, and he has had an active and influential role in its history of civilization, he carried the banner of science, competed scientists, and overdid historians and Al Hadith scholars, in the past and newly judging him. According to him , it's Abdullah Ibn Lahee'ah Al Ghafiqi. This research has spotlit the scientific role which this scholar played in Islamic Egypt I've written about Abdullah Ibn Lahee'ah as an Al Hadith scholar and historian mentioned his childhood , his most famous Sheikhs , his students and his scientific contribution , and what the scholars had said about him and narrations of Al Hadith that were reported about him in Sunna books .1 also mentioned the historic narrations that were kept by our historic sources through him . I concluded this research including his death and the place of his tomb .The research has dealt with the role of Imam Abdullah Ibn Lahee'ah Al Ghafiqi in detail in resurrecting and activating the scientific movement in Egypt . He had valuable scientific views which made science students would leave for him from all over the Islamic world to learn from him, which had the greatest impact in the progress and prosperity of the scientific movement in the city of Fustat. The research also demonstrated that the great scholar Abdullah bin Lahee'ah had written few books . Perhaps he satisfied with educating people, which is a tiring task not less than the role of writing books and classification. However, it had an active and influential role for the historians who came after him who contributed to the development of writing books movement in the Egyptian historic manege. He was , in fact, a leader in this field. The research has proved that Abdullah bin Lahee'ah has significantly contributed to the development of Islamic history in Egypt in all its branches; stories, invasions, biographies, mesmerized and epics etc. It was the nucleus for a lot of news gathered by historians who came after him like Almaqrizi, Suyuti, Ibn TaghriBardy, and others. The research also proved that Abdullah bin Lahee'ah Al Ghafiqi loved Egypt very much, he praised it a lot and was proud of it. We have not heard or read that he had emigrated to another country, even if Yemen was his native country and his hometown. It is strange that he did not go out of Egypt, even to seek knowledge. This was the biggest proof of his love for this country, and a deep belief in the cultural role that he was doing towards his Islamic world, for this only he preferred living in it, and hearing from those who would come to him. Finally, the research dealt with suspicions raised about the great scholar Abdullah bin Lahee'ah in detail and discussed that objectively. The study concluded that the man showed confidence in the field of historical narrative, although there are some suspicions raised in the field of Al Hadith reporting. However, this is not a challenge to it, hardly anyone can avoid being criticized by the scholars of criticism and edition.